From Football to the Olympics, the Liberal Media, and the Left as a whole have been trying to politicize everything that the average American watches, reads, or buys. Ratings of the Oscars, Grammys, and The Academy Awards took a massive hit because ordinary Americans (both left and right) didn’t want to tune in to have anti-Trump rhetoric forced down their throats. Even the NFL has seen heavy rating hits because of how these people think of the need to make everything about how one group is racist, sexist, homophobic, or any other word the left uses to describe right-wingers like you or me. It’s quite disappointing when you have to really think about the last time you saw a major TV broadcast without any political backing. Can the American people not sit down for a simple television show without some message about pc culture and gay pride?
Let’s take the Winter Olympics for example. For the rest of the world, it was all about every country getting together for some friendly competition and showing good sportsmanship between the best of each nation participating. For the US media, it was all about how we bash Trump, Pence, and the right itself. It all started off when Pence “snubbed” Kim-Yo-Jong at the opening ceremonies. Pence, seeing the photo op as what it was (an attempt for more propaganda for the North Koreans) was slammed by the media for being a horrible human being, and a misogynist. They even went as far as to praise Yo-Jong and the North Koreans. And don’t even get me started on that show the North Koreans put on…you know, the one with the synchronized dancing cheerleaders. The media went insane with praise, even though it was so obviously a giant bout of propaganda. “Oh look the Korean People aren’t starving! Look how happy they are!” Seriously? How naive can one be? That’s what this whole article is about. The mainstream media and how it hides the truth to favor the left.

In all honesty, while writing this article I found some really, insanely inane things that were said and done, but this one wins gold (see what I did there). Shani Davis, a US speedskater, went on a twitter rampage because he lost the coin toss to carry the US flag in the opening ceremonies. “I am an American, and when I won the 1000m in 2010 I became the first American to 2-peat in that event,” Davis tweeted. “@TeamUSA dishonorably tossed a coin to decide its 2018 flag bearer. No problem. I can wait until 2022. #BlackHistoryMonth2018 #PyeongChang2018.” He took this as an opportunity to say how racist and unfair the United States is (and I guess the coin? How can you get mad at probability and just general luck?). Good for you Shani, good for you.
Gus Kenworthy, who broke his thumb at practice before the games tweeted “It won’t stop me from competing (obvi), but it does prevent me from shaking Pence’s hand so… Silver linings!”. He then, at the closing ceremonies tweeted “So proud of all these people! Everybody here has worked so hard to make it to the Olympics and have the opportunity to walk in the closing ceremony! Well… Everyone except Ivanka. Honestly, wtf is she doing here??” But hey equality and love right, isn’t that what the left stands for? This was definitely the point of why we as Americans should support the Winter Olympics. To bash the presidency and not focus on the sports. *cue eye roll*
So many people were turned off by the Winter Olympics and what had become of it due to the portrayal of US media, because instead of games they could watch with their family at dinner, it became a mess of people trying to find racism, prejudice, and homophobia, where there wasn’t or shouldn’t have been any. The worst part is, ideologies like the one we see here, is here to stay.